Fullname : Risma Amalia
Nickname : Rismaple
Gender : Female
Place, Date of Birth : Palu, February 14th, 1992
Nationally : Indonesia
Religions : Moslem
Address : Kompleks BTN Palupi Blok A/7, Palu, Sulawesi Tengah
Mobile : 0852-5543-7069
Email Address : yahoo id, rismeiganita_cullesbarca@ymail.com
gmail id, rismeiganita.cullesbarca@gmail.com
Blog : www.ris-maple.blogspot.com
Socmed : Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/Rismaple
Twitter, https://twitter.com/Rismaple
Hobbies : Reading, writing, singing, and blogging
Family : Father’s name, Suriansyah Tomma
Mother’s name, Maria
Old Sister’s name, Rista Astini
Young Sister’s name, Anidah Risqullah Ramadhani
Educational Background:
- 1998 –2004, SDN Negeri 4 Palu Barat
- 1998 –2003, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Khairat Palu
- 2004 –2007, SMP Negeri 3 Palu Barat
- 2007 –2010, SMK Negeri 2 Palu, Accounting Department
- 2010, Universitas Tadulako, Educational of Physics